Welcome to BIB

About Polskie

Welcome to the new Browns site.

Although a lot has change you’ll still find all the information you need in much the same way as you did on the old site.

The biggest change here is that this site is much easier to update so we’ll be able to add news much quicker.

Enjoy the new Browns site.

We aren’t a speakers bureau, although our Associates are some of the world’s leading educational speakers and practitioners. We aren’t a consultancy, although we are more than happy to work with you to help you become great at what you do. We aren’t a panel of educational experts because we don’t believe there is such a thing. We aren’t a publishing company, although the Independent Thinking Press has won awards for its ground-breaking education books. And we aren’t a training company because, well, the word “training” comes from the Latin to drag. 

We don’t employ people, own fancy offices or produce glossy magazines and, because we were set up to make a difference not a profit, we put back as much as possible into our work.

If you’re looking for engaging, entertaining and eminently practical practitioners to lead an INSET day or fire up a conference, then check out The 33 – our leading 33 Associates with a proven track record in this area.

If you are looking for an Associate with a more specialist background from art therapy to librarianship for the 21st century, from dugs education to complexity in the classroom, then check out our >Topics page here or the full list of Associates here. 

And if you want to get more of an idea of what we stand for and whether we’re right for you, see how many of our principles you agree with below? 

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There is always another way

Use your data to improve your children, not the other way round

Engagement trumps behaviour

It is not enough to teach children without teaching them to think

Qualifications are an indicator of something but not everything

They don’t all learn the same way, regardless of how you teach

Innovation is about making your own evidence

It’s not just complicated, it’s complex

The future of school may not involve the act of schooling

Childhood is not simply training for adulthood

Children need love; so do adults

Education is too important to be taken seriously

 If you disagree with more than you agree with, then we’re probably not what you’re looking for. If you think we might be right on even just a few of the above then we would love to hear from you and support your work to fight for the right all children have to an education worthy of the name.

Since 1994 our written mission has been:

‘To enrich people’s lives by changing the way they think – and so to change the world’.

If you’re involved in the education of young hearts and minds, that’s what you’re doing everyday.